A few of my favourite things.... October Favourites
I can't quite believe, as I type this, that October is almost over. I say it every year, but this year really has flown. It's been a crazy one, full of lots of different people, places and things, (reference to one of my favourite plays there, couldn't resist). Since discovering YouTube, one of my favourite types of videos to watch, and now indeed, create, is a 'Favourites' video. Not just because I find them so incredibly helpful to find new Brands, Authors, TV Shows etc, but because, with my own videos, it's like a little online memory box of great reminders from every month. My favourites are incredibly random every month, which I think reflects my own life- I am interested in so many different things, and I love to bring them all together into one video, to share them with you all and hopefully help you discover new and interesting things as well. I'm very new to the blogging/YouTube world so I apologise if I'm getting this all wrong, but I thoug...