
Showing posts from August, 2018

Sisters By Blood, Friends by Choice

My and my Sister have always been close. There's a four and half year age gap between us which is just enough for us not to be overly competitive, but not too much that we can't relate to each other. She's my best friend and I am so proud of everything she has achieved in her life. So this post is dedicated to her. I put a Vlog up today all about her opening night in the musical she is currently appearing in 'Around the World in 80 Days' at the Union Theatre- get tickets here . She is amazing in the show and I was so proud to see her up there. ALSO, she has started her very own YouTube Channel! This is something she has wanted to do for a really long time and she finally has. She was worried about people thinking she only started because of me but that is NOT the case. Courtney is the OG YouTube watcher and her channel is amazing! I highly recommend going over and checking it out  here . I'll leave my favourite video below, this is the first video ...

Do People Even Read Blogs Anymore?

I am aware that this blog must feel like a long distant memory. After starting my YouTube channel and that really starting to take off, I just couldn't seem to find the time to dedicate to a blog too.  Interestingly however it doesn't seem to be just me who had their attention aimed elsewhere. The more research I do, the more it seems that people just aren't reading blogs anymore. With life being so fast paced now, people simply do not have the time, or the attention span to sit down and enjoy a blog post. This was another thing that put me off dedicating my time to it. what would be the point if no one would read it anyway? But then I really started to miss it. Missed just spilling my thoughts out into a space that was entirely my own, without a care really if anyone would ever read it, as they probably wouldn't anyway. It was then that I decided, blog posts may not be 'in' right now, but who cares?! I've never really been one to foll...

Guilt Free Chocolate Smoothie

T his smoothie is seriously amazing. I have to ration myself so that I don’t have it every morning and become permanently sick of it. It’s perfect for getting your morning off to a nutritious, energetic, d elicious start. Completely Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free, all of that malarkey whilst still actually tasting good,  what’s not to love? It’s also the perfect post workout smoothie as it’s packed full of protein, especially if you add the optional Hemp Powder. It basically tastes like a chocolate milkshake, but with way more nutrients and a LOT less sugar. Read on and thank me later. Ingredients: 300ml Oat Milk or Dairy Free Alternative (feel free to use Dairy if you’d prefer) 1 tsp Cacao Powder 1/2 tsp Cinnamon Powder 150g Frozen Banana 1 tbsp Peanut Butter 1 Squeeze Honey/Maple Syrup 2 Cubes Ice 2 tbsp Hemp Powder (optional) Voila! My Favourite Chocolate-y Morning Smoothie. Let me know if you try it what you think in the comments sectio...