My First Ever Blog Post

Hello internet. I bet I'm not the first person to use that am I. I didn't think this day would ever come. The internet, to me, has always been a bit scary. A place where invisible voices can say whatever they like without consequence, and someone on the other side of the world can instantly see a heavily filtered picture of your most recent meal. But anyway here I am. It looked like fun so I thought, why not? And I've always been itching to put my A* in English to good use. (Humble brag).

This is just a quick hello and a chance for me to figure out how to work this whole blog thing out. I'll get back to you with a more in depth post once I've ironed out the details. All you really need to know is, I'm a West End Actress based in London. I'm a fan of ASOS, all things Theatre, Beauty and Lifestyle related; and I love cheese.

This is already lots of fun. Hope you enjoy my attempt at joining the 21st century as much as I currently am.

Georgie x


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